Or maybe it’s even an upcycle – you decide! Great way to bring rainwater indoors, from the barrels into the teakettle or the bath! A pale-blue or pale-green bottle is particularly pretty for this use, don’t you think?
(To reduce likelihood of algae forming in a clear bottle exposed to light, I use the water promptly and don’t leave it sitting in the bottle longer than a day or so.)
I find that aesthetics are one of the top enticements that keep me enthusiastic about low-footprint living. I love the aesthetics of used/old/reused stuff. And the human touch (such as handwriting over old peeled labels). For me, aesthetics may be even more of an enticement than finances! And that’s saying a lot, because I am an extreme enthusiast of thrifty living. I’m not going to call myself a “cheapskate,” because I do have my indulgences and splurges. What I might call myself is an ornate minimalist or selective penny-pincher!
How about you: What keeps you really fired-up about low-footprint living? Is it finances, time, aesthetics/creativity, health and wellness, or something else?