“Coronavirus is causing a flurry of plastic waste. Campaigners feel it may be permanent.” (WRAL news report.)
I have been worried about this and have been pondering ideas. One thing I’m doing is buying several pairs of cotton gloves; maybe this will catch on. (Photo shows my new cotton gloves, I have 7 pairs. And my 7 masks ordered from a local seamstress.) UPDATE about gloves 5/19/2020: According to what I’ve been reading from expert sources I trust, gloves are unnecessary and may even spread more germs. Just good ol’ washed hands are best. So I will just be using the gloves for fashion.
And another thing — I haven’t done this yet but I’m seriously considering, is give a package of cardboard containers or other compostable containers to every Mom & Pop restaurant I frequent for takeout. They can offer them as an upsell to other eco-minded customers (maybe charge a buck extra), and of course use them for my takeout orders also. On that note, a Facebook friend just did a Google search on “corn-based takeout containers”; here are the results.
Any other ideas?
Update: The scientific consensus seems to be that gloves are not necessary and may even help spread germs. So I feel vindicated with my bare washed hands. And will use the gloves just as fashion; or while I’m sleeping — during the dry-skin season to help my hands absorb coconut oil more effectively, etc.