This conservation job posting from American Conservation Experience sounded very promising — it pays money and involves doing good work in a beautiful outdoor setting — and I was ready to recommend it to people, til I read the fine print and find out that housing is not included.
A gig like this could be great for so many people if only it included housing! Even a tent, or a bunk or cot in a cabin, would make the difference between a lot of people being able/willing to take on things like this or not.
As Oliver pointed out in the comments when I shared this in the TA group, the Civilian Conservation Corps was one of the best parts of the Green New Deal. We really do need a CCC again, or something similar. And back in the CCC days, a key aspect that made it people-friendly was that housing was included, very important! The participants were not burdened with housing expenses or car expenses.
#EarthGigs #HousingHelps #BringBackCCC