Neighbors; and no more punching down!

I really loved Walz’s speech last night, and particularly love what he said about neighbors. He grew up in a town of 400, and you couldn’t afford to just ignore or not know or not speak to your neighbors. Regardless of their political stripe.

A lot of us, regardless of where we’ve lived, have never been able to afford to not know our neighbors, and remain mystified that it’s even possible to go through life without ever talking to or knowing one’s neighbors. Across all political stripes. I consider it an artifact of capitalist/colonizer culture and extreme income inequality.

Some people are able to buy their way out of knowing their neighbors, because they can use money for everything. Or so it seems, until an emergency hits and they are calling on a neighbor for help.

I’m not talking about social warm fuzzies, although those are certainly a great benefit of connecting with neighbors. I’m talking sheer survival: economic and social and physical/logistical.

On a related note, the Democrats need to continue working to reform the party’s culture/reputation of elitism that alienated millions of regular people over the past couple of decades or more.

The Democrats used to really be known as the everyday people’s party, and they can be again. But they/we can’t keep dismissing the other side as being illiterate, stupid, and so on.

On a related note … I really love this article by Brandyn Gallagher – on the wider deeper harm of so-called “micro” aggressions toward hillbillies & rednecks.

The article — titled “Hillbilly Hate: ‘Micro’ aggressions, macro impact” — is really good, and the wider truth of it goes beyond hillbillies and rednecks to many many segments of society such as immigrant communities. The deplorable’s, the flyovers, etc. — all nicknames that the Democrats have bestowed upon those they deem to be inferior.

Imagine having such reliable access to healthcare and dentistry that you don’t see the problem with making fun of someone’s teeth.

No more punching down! Democrats need to focus on policies, not punch down on people less fortunate.

Highly recommend following Brandyn River, who I found via Terra Vance – Marked Melungeon. Two recent additions to my go-to favorites for nuanced wisdom.

It’s so deep, and when we really dismantle the rottenness at the root of colonizer culture, we can have hope to actually move forward and be better.