The end of hot-hot summer

I always mark the end of hot-hot summer as being the first night I don’t need to sleep on bare tile to sleep through the night. That happened last week. It’s nice to sleep on a mattress again! I can even have a sheet over me!

PS. It never sucks to live in my adopted home state of Florida, what sucks is modern-day buildings that are designed to rely on climate control 24-seven year-round. We need to get the building codes expanded to allow various kinds of regenerative retrofits to existing buildings. And we need to stop the super extreme cutting of trees and other vegetation in urban areas.

Those of us who do without air-conditioning are sort of like experimental lab-rats for the kinds of retrofit we might need. #BackToTheFuture

So what are your personal indicators for your end of hot-hot summer? (Do you have hot-hot summer where you live?)

(This post was prompted by a fellow Floridian, who posted: “And there it is … The moment when it no longer sucks to live in Florida.” I totally get what she means BTW! We can love our chosen bioregion and still recognize that the weather gets extreme sometimes! Also, this person who posted this is a farmer, so she is extra exposed to the heat — and all other weather.)

PS. On my blog I post various RIOT-y stuff, and Degrowth and Deep Adaptation stuff (the three often intersect) on an ongoing basis. Not just the physical aspects but the social dimensions as well, of voluntarily low-footprint living.

Wow, I just realized my blog has been around for six years. How time flies! I owe a very deep thanks and so much love to my dear friend and “Florida sister” Roseanna. For encouraging me to start a blog those years ago. I would not have done it, I didn’t want to do all that work. As it turns out, it has become a major light of my work-day (and super-handy “word tank” that helps me organize my thoughts), and I hope also a helpful resource to the people who I want to support.