Taming your #HouseholdWaste !!!
Video duration 6:33
mini workshop about minimizing household trash
I turned a typical USA American single person one or two days’ worth of trash into basically zero trash! (Thank you to the friend who allowed me to use their trash as an example of what’s possible.)
The practices I mentioned here are not only helpful for the planet, but also great for your household for numerous reasons. For a couple of examples, it keeps food out of the trash which reduces smells, reduces the weight, and reduces the bulk.
This becomes valuable in a whole other way in the wake of a hurricane or other disaster, when landfills can be closed and trash removal services can be suspended. It’s helpful emotionally, not just physically. Because if we don’t feel dependent on someone to come deal with our trash, we don’t feel so vulnerable and helpless.
This works for many other things as well. Please stay tuned for other installments in this series.
#PermacultureHomeEc #ZombieApocalypseWatchParty #DoomerBoomerDomesticScience #DEEPGREENresilience #RiotForAusterity #HouseholdWaste #DisasterPreparedness