Can’t practice “earth care” without practicing “people care”!

This is a post I made just now to my Permaculture community. I’m sharing it here as well because it’s relevant to my DEEP GREEN community as well. And because it may be helpful to others who are experiencing similar.

#CareOfPeople #ZoneZeroZero #InnerLandscape

Dear Florida permies,

The other day, right after the hurricane, I said something awful to someone in our permaculture community.

I responded to a post they made on their personal page, and gave advice that was totally out of place, presumptuous, shaming, and rude, and not knowing anything about their circumstances. My advice was supposedly coming from care of the earth, but I showed zero care for this fellow human being.

The person was understandably angry and messaged me calling me out. Subsequently, my apology was horrible as well, and just added insult to injury. And my apology was understandably not accepted.

My inappropriate comment was part of a stubborn pattern that I’ve been working on in myself. Giving advice that’s supposedly about care of the earth (permaculture design ethic #1), but fails to show care for people’s circumstances or emotions (care of people and all other living beings, permaculture design ethic #2).

Not only do I feel regret for speaking out of turn at a person who’s a fellow permie and a truly beautiful soul, but just in general for treating a fellow human being unkindly.

I have reflected deeply and processed this incident so as to avoid causing this kind of harm again to anyone.

I am keeping this post general and anonymous on purpose. Just wanted to confirm that I am accountable to this community and will always strive to make amends and do better.

If I ever hurt any of you, in any way, I will do my best to take ownership and make amends.

With love for all of you, and for Mother Earth and all of Her creatures! I hope you are all hanging in there after the storm. Please post in this group any time if you need some help or support. Even if it’s simply a listening ear.