Convenient truths: Climate action leverage points for everyday people

(This is an upcoming talk I’ll be giving for a UU congregation by Zoom. It will likely be recorded and become available on their public YouTube channel; I will share the link.)

Contrary to popular belief, everyday people do have the power. And we cannot afford to wait on government or corporations. Distant centralized entities don’t have sufficient vested interest in really attacking climate change. We, the everyday people do, as climate change is destroying our homes and communities and hitting us in the wallet.

In this talk I will be sharing some very large, very accessible leverage points that are typically overlooked. And I’ll be talking about the real secret weapon, which is the stories we tell ourselves.

jenny nazak is an eco educator and community activist based in Daytona Beach. She is author of the self-published practical guidebook DEEP GREEN; and a contributing author to Growing FREE: Building Regenerative Wealth without Losing Your Soul or Destroying the Planet.

Her ongoing writings, and more about her background, can be found at Her eco Facebook page is “DEEP GREEN book by jenny nazak.” You can see video content on her YouTube and TikTok channels.