This painting I did 11 years ago came back to me the other day, as I was trying to think about more ways to create a safer world. Including, just helping people feel safer in the world that we have now. “Wild Friendly Universe.”
Was the title that came to me after I made this. The original was I believe one of my 4″ x 4″ pieces, executed in pen, colored pencil, and colored inks.
I don’t remember who bought the original, and don’t remember if I sold prints of it, but if any of you out there are reading this, thank you for your support all those years ago.
Recently I decided to make all of my artwork freely available. Anyone is welcome to print out any of my artworks. You can even alter them. Just, if you alter them, make it clear in your signature or credit line that it’s your own alteration.
And, anyone is welcome to reproduce & SELL any of my art works. Either as digital images or prints or whatever. Charge whatever you want! Use it to support your dreams. Pay your rent, treat yourself to something nice, whatever!
Use my art on your book covers, your projects, your school fundraiser, whatever.
If you make some money off my work and you feel like cash-apping me a cup of coffee or whatever that’s fine, but it’s totally optional. enJoy, and happy new year!
Very important note: This offer applies only to MY artwork. This offer does not apply to the work of any other artist who I have showcased on my pages. Please Do NOT reproduce the work of any other artist without their express permission. And of course, compensate them according to their terms. Support Artists & Honor Creativity — Buy Art!!!