My book DEEP GREEN, in addition to being available free to read online here on this blog, also exists in a mobile-friendly PDF format. I’m going to attempt to upload it here for you. I have been selling the PDF for $7, and you’re welcome to buy me a cup of coffee or something but there is no obligation. Times have come to this point.

*NOTE: If you are among my early readers who previously paid $7 for the PDF, don’t forget to redeem the early-bird intro offer for a free mini teleconsult! Contact me and we’ll arrange a time.*

When I first put out my book in 2017 (and even more, back around 2007 when I first started on this path of voluntary low-footprint living), it turned out that most people were too prosperous to care about saving $50 or even $100 off their electric bill and so on.

And not enough disasters had kicked in for people to worry all that much about being vulnerable in their dependency on electricity, cars, and so on.

I suspect that this may be changing as we speak, and I hope that my book will be helpful to you and your community.

(PS. And no matter how hard I tried to emphasize that a radical reduction path enables creative and occupational freedom, that message just did not seem to take. It hasn’t even seemed to take in the book that I co-authored with my colleagues, Living FREE. We are still troubleshooting our outreach. One would think there is no higher price on earth than gaining the financial freedom and the confidence to be able to afford to do one’s heart’s calling, but obviously something isn’t quite getting across.)