Boycott on February 28

The announcement of a buy nothing day on February 28 has been very widely distributed, is appearing in various places.

(A lot of people are very very much on board, but some of us make an exception for buying essentials from local businesses.)

Most of us in these circles are already taking this approach to our spending, 365-24-7 (with only very occasional exceptions*), and have been for years, whether out of necessity or because we love the lifestyle or both. But for what it’s worth! #Solidarity

  •  One of my rare exceptions used to be going to McDonald’s. Once a month or every two months. I would get two filet o fish, my favorite sandwich since childhood. And an m&m flurry. But something a little while back, I don’t remember what it was, made me decide that I could do without going there again and not feel too deprived.

I’m really glad to not have a car and not need to buy gas, although, if I ride the bus (which I do on occasion instead of walking or cycling to my destinations), that will count as gas so I can refrain from riding the bus on the 28th.

And, with regard to my landscaping work, I’m glad to have chosen an area of landscaping that is conducive to only using handtools.

BTW regarding gasoline in particular — we learned in one of my Permaculture classes that when we buy gasoline, almost immediately 85 or $.90 of our dollar goes right out of the community.

Then again, our local taxi drivers perform an essential service, as do the neighborhood guys with the push-mower who makes their livelihood mowing yards. So it’s not like our gasoline boycotts are going to be perfect. Which is OK. Even just a sharp drop in consumption is a drop!

Electricity use is a great thing to minimize also, as part of a boycott. Energy goes into everything. As we learned in Permaculture class — we learned the phrase embodied energy. Everything we buy or do, energy goes into. It is possible to use very localized energy. Such as dried deadwood for cooking and lighting if one has access to an outdoor space for such.

**Disclaimer from Heather Cox Richardson, whose name has appeared on some of these posters.
“Hi Folks: Just a reminder that I am not involved with the protests that are appearing with my name on them. I don’t know the people involved, and have not taken a position either for or against the protests. This is the only page that represents me. When I support events, you will hear it directly from me, and I will never ask for money or try to sell you anything.”