People in various groups are worried about their 401(k)s. Mostly this is fellow Boomers and older; most younger people don’t have 401(k)s. 
I don’t have a 401(k) because I cashed it out a long time ago and deployed it locally. (For me, climate and the environment has always been a very large part of this choice. And now the political situation gives additional motive.)
And I recognize that not everyone will have the stomach for this but … Everyone who feels able to divest from Wall Street – the more the better. I realize many people don’t feel they can risk doing that.
Many people have huge portfolios and won’t want to cut them loose. Other people don’t have huge portfolios but are hoping they will grow and don’t want to cut them loose.
Hence I point out that many people don’t feel they can do that. Funny thing about prosperity, it makes us very risk-averse.
But, it would be a big bold step and it would have an impact. Imagine if everyone pulled their money out of their 401(k)s and invested in their local areas instead.
As I have often said, it’s a bold move and not everyone will be ready for it. But if you think about it, it’s only for a very very tiny moment in human history that we have had this attitude that we cannot live our life without a amassing and hoarding a giant pile of money.
Fascism is a fusion of extreme corporate power and extreme authoritarian government.
Over the past few decades, we ourselves have fed the corporations more and more power, not only in our capacity as consumers, but also in our capacity as shareholders.
Note, I’m not saying grab the money and burn it, or spend it all on frivolities. I’m saying localize it. Pay off your mortgage. Pay off your kids’ mortgage.
If you still have money left after that, buy a commercial building in your town. Have a business there, or allow some young person to have a business there. Become a part investor in a local farm or other local business. Pay off your kids’ college debt. If you don’t have kids, help someone else pay off their college debt.
Invest in your continuing education too: classes and other training that will help you be more resilient all the way into old-old age. And will help your community be more resilient.
I’m suggesting invest locally and invest in the younger generations and future generations. And help loosen the grip of fascism.
(***The suggestion in this post is really for my fellow Boomers and older. Younger ppl, and Black people, it’s not my place to impose advice on you. I just want us to make a better world for you guys.)
Photo: one section of my bookshelf for the algorithm. And for your enjoyment.