talks; workshops; consultations


I give informational and motivational talks for neighborhood associations, communities, churches, clubs, and other groups and organizations. Most of my talks are from 30 minutes to 1 hour long. Generally I am available to linger afterward for Q&A.

Here’s how to arrange a talk:

1. You contact me to express your interest. I send you the payment link. You send me payment (usually a flat $250 unless there’s extra work involved) and we set a date. 

2. You choose 1 to 5 posts or topics from this blog that particularly interest you, and I custom-build your talk. Or, you can choose 1 to 5 challenges you are facing in your community/organization, and I will build my talk around that.

You can also look at the list of talks I’ve already done (see below), and request a similar one. Or, your group can also choose to use all of your time just for Q&A with me.

My talks are by Zoom or equivalent, so I’m available to you wherever you’re located.* Contact me and we’ll set a date! The best way is to text me, 512-619-5363. A voice call is OK as well. Or email, jnazak at yahoo dot com

*(If you absolutely prefer an in-person talk, I will do my best to refer you to a colleague who is located near you. Note that their fees are likely to be different from mine, and may include travel time.)


I love being a radio guest, and can help you educate your listeners about an array of green topics.


The pricing and other terms for a permaculture design consultation are the same as described above for arranging a talk. Except, with a consultation the session time is usually an hour to an hour and a half. And of course, with a consultation the topic is all about your project, your plans, your goals & dreams, etc. In advance of our session, I email you a few pre-homework questions, which will help us make the most of your session time. And after our session, you get to email me a round of follow-up questions if you like. This is included in the price of the session.

In addition to my extensive permaculture-design training and practice, I draw on a wide-ranging background in the arts, graphic design, social sciences, space design/decluttering, marketing, and other disciplines; plus an exceptionally wide range of experience living in different types of environments; as well as steady participation in local government. And, I am actively practicing Degrowth /regenerative economics and Deep Adaptation.

This background allows me to 1) help you see wider possibilities that you might not have thought of; and 2) maximize abundance while avoiding the very common “Type 1 errors” that all too often undermine or even outright derail many a dream project.

And, if you are not located in a bioregion where I have direct experience (living and working), I will do my best to refer you to a colleague who works in your same bioregion.


The same rates and conditions apply as for talks and consultations. Contact me to arrange a workshop for your group or community.

About my decision to offer my services via teleconferencing:

During the pandemic shutdowns, I started doing my speaking engagements exclusively by teleconferencing (phone, Zoom, etc.). This was a change I had been moving toward anyway, to reach a wider audience with less overhead (both financial and fossil). Today’s technology allows us to be connected via large-screen, high-res images, giving us most of the same benefits as if we are actually in the same room together.

As of May 2021, I am now offering some very limited in-person talks and consultations for community groups (outdoors, and in my immediate hyperlocal area only).

Many conferences, such as Bioneers, The Nature of Cities Festival, and NEJAC (National Environmental Justice Advisory Council), have had a teleconferencing component long before the pandemic. I’ve found it a good choice to take a page out of their book, and offer my practical and inspirational talks without geographic barriers or a high carbon footprint.

Following is a partial list of my talks, radio shows, workshops, and other events. These are talks and appearances I’ve already done.


Personal & Planetary Benefits of Low-Footprint Living. Want to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle but aren’t sure what else you can do beyond what you’re already doing? Learn how to radically reduce your eco footprint by harnessing your own self-interest as a motivator.

Diversity: Nature’s Greatest Design Principle. Find out how it works in nature, and how we can apply it to create more abundance and resilience in the human-built environment (including our “invisible structures” such as norms, codes, and organizations).

Easy-care Yards: Create Beauty, Save Money, & Help the Environment. Transform your yard from an endless maintenance hassle into an oasis for humans and wildlife with a few simple tips. Talk and slideshow followed by Q&A. Any problems, questions or concerns you have with your lawn / yard, bring them! Topics include edible landscaping, native plants, and how to get your yard certified as a Wildlife Habitat. 

Naturally Cool: Beat the Heat, Help the Environment, and Cut Your Utility Bill. Did you know that home cooling accounts for about 46 percent of your energy bill in summertime? In this presentation I talk about a variety of simple DIY adjustments you can make to keep your home and yourself cooler, while also helping the environment and of course reducing your utility bill! (This talk was part of my “Healthy Living with the Environment” series, which I did on the first Friday each month at Breakers Oceanfront Park Environmental Learning Center, back in 2019 I believe it was.)

Other talks I’ve given so far (either at the ELC or by request for community groups, or both):

Healthy Living with the Environment: An Introduction to Permaculture Design

Rainwater Harvesting & Waterwise Landscaping, Ocean-Friendly Gardening

Edible Landscaping: Turn Your Yard or Balcony Into a Fresh-Food Zone

Soil 101: Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet

Nature Deficit Disorder: What It Is; How It Hurts Us All; How We Cure It


Smart Growth: Can We Really Have It? If So, How?

How To Solve the World’s Problems with Your Garden

The Personal & Planetary Benefits of Low-Footprint Living

Beyond Recycling: Getting a Real Handle on Our Trash 

Any of these talks are available for your group.


“Green Daytona” radio show. My “Green Daytona” series aired monthly in 2019 on the City of Daytona Beach Government radio show. You may still be able to access recordings on WJOY 106.3 FM, or on the City of Daytona Beach Government’s Facebook page. (By the way, WJOY is a gospel station, so when the CODB radio show isn’t on, you can hear gospel music and related content.)

Installments in the “Green Daytona” series included:

Permaculture, Sustainability, and Low-Footprint Living

Natural Capital

Making Peace with Nature

Green Infrastructure

Soil 101

Nature Deficit Disorder


Smart Growth: Can We Really Have It? If So, How?

Climate “Code Red”: What Does It Mean for You and Your Community?


Rainwater Harvesting & Waterwise Landscaping (half-day workshop)

Permaculture Design Basics (half-day, full-day, or weekend-long workshop)

Solar Cooking & Simple Living (half-day workshop)


Solar Cooking Demo at the Breakers Oceanfront Park Environmental Learning Center, Daytona Beach. Learn about solar cooking and other renewable-energy technologies that will cut your utility bill and increase your household’s disaster-preparedness.

All of these talks and presentations are available by request. I will tailor the content to address your group’s concerns, needs, and goals.