The wealth gap; and how the middle class can help fix it

Left Signal Boost, one of my favorites on Facebook, posted a great essay “The Wealth Gap: How Extreme Concentration of Wealth Fuels Inflation and Hurts the Working Class.” Talking about how the ultra wealthy create a bottleneck that generates installation.

This is excellent. And, furthermore, it’s not just the ultra wealthy. Which is good news because the middle class is far more numerous, and therefore collectively have more leverage. The “upper-tier middle class” is able to hoard a lot of wealth, and that generates strong inflationary pressure.

Yes, the “upper tier middle-class” (I would roughly say, what, people making 60 K to 120 K or something?) may not be mega billionaires, but there are many many more of them. In other words, a large segment of the population.

Furthermore, I think a lot of people in this demographic tend to have 401(k) and other financial instruments. Some of those middle-class 401(k)s have $200,000-$1 million in them. Basically these folks are are investors undergirding the corporate economy. This is playing out in a planetary ecosystems way as well as the social economics way. Which is painful, as a lot of the most passionate environmentalists I know are in this demographic, while also participating in this sector of the economy.

They definitely have a distortive effect on the economy, and it’s almost like people are living in a different world. While still considering themselves part of the 99%, and railing against the one percent. As a Boomer who dropped out of the middle class some decades ago to do activism fulltime, but who still finds herself in contact with a lot of social circles with my richer peers, I often feel the split.

In my book DEEP GREEN, I didn’t have a whole chapter about money but I did mention in passing that it surely has an impact on the biosphere and ecosystems etc.

In the 7 years since I launched my book, I have learned just how deeply that is true. At one point in my middle class working life I had amassed about $70,000. It came to me that this amount could have the effect of an oil spill if not deployed properly.

I ended up deploying it carefully, using it for my continuing eco education, mental health, as well as sharing w the community, etc.

Money is a big thing that just doesn’t always get talked about. Especially among the middle class. The middle class underestimates the effect of its money. I’m really thinking of my fellow white Boomers. I sometimes wonder how different the world would be if all the Boomer 401(k)s and other Wall Street investments got liquidated and instead the Boomers use that money to pay off their mortgages, or buy a commercial building in their own town and let the young generations have a launch pad for their local businesses (instead of needing to occupy themselves at crappy “jobs”) etc.

I made reference to 401(k)s. The reason for their existence is this construct known as “retirement,” where people are supposed to amass a pile of cash and then use it to live out their later years. For various reasons I have mentioned here and elsewhere, I consider this whole construct to be very unhealthy.

And yet, people are afraid to NOT do this whole “retirement investment and savings” thing even though it’s based on the extractive economy so ppl are making massive amounts of money on the backs of the planet and indigenous people etc.

If you would like practical steps on how to build economic security without participating in the murderous extractive economy, I highly recommend following my friend Laura Oldanie (Rich & Resilient Living), who produces a huge wealth of content about ethical economics, regenerative business, etc. She offers a course in regenerative finance / permaculture economics. The title of the course is Personal Economy Makeover. She is now, by popular demand, offering it as a recorded course that you can listen to any time. I will post the link below.

Here you go:

That is the link to Laura Oldanie’s Facebook post about her Personal Economy Makeover class. (For those of you not on Facebook, I have also pasted at the end of this post the text of her Facebook post. It’s really great stuff, very inspiring. I think a lot of us are looking for this right now.)

Also, here is the web link to the place on her website where you can see the info and sign up for the class. This is the newly available pre-recorded version.

The live version, which I had the honor of participating in, was fabulous. But I really love that she is starting to offer it as a recorded series of sessions. So you can tune in anytime!

“Conventional thinking about personal finance & money leave us fragile & unprepared to navigate the economic and climate uncertainties that await us, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

“I had such a positive response to the live Personal Economy Makeover course that I offered back in May that I’ve turned it into a self-paced video course that can be accessed anytime. The material it covers feels especially relevant in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene & Milton, which I personally experienced in a coastal Florida town.

“As a green living & money coach I’ve spent the past 15 years transforming my conventional personal economy from a fragile, soul-crushing system that relied on and upheld the destructive corporate economy I abhor into a resilient, life-affirming engine that grows wealth naturally for me and my community over time.

“I created the Personal Economy Makeover Course to help as many people as possible do the same. You’ll find the link to access it in the comments below.”

Landscaping & flood control

jenny’s corner October 2024

As I cannot attend City Commission this Wednesday, I’m writing what would be my comments. I’ll keep it within the citizens’ comment time of 3 minutes.

Good evening everyone!

First, let’s talk about Flooding. As I’ve said repeatedly over the years, our landscaping practices are directly undermining stormwater absorption and heat mitigation!!!

For brevity’s sake I’ll share just two examples.

One: Leave the leaves. We need to leave the leaves under the oak trees (and other trees). A tree is a powerhouse stormwater pump, and heat mitigator. Protect their root systems, and the soil, by leaving the leaves and not mowing under the trees.

On that note: The standard for an empty lot needs to be trees and shrubs, or a tallgrass-and-wildflower meadow, not buzzcut turfgrass. There are ways to keep people from trespassing on empty lots without turning them into denuded moonscapes that can’t absorb stormwater.

And two, the Sabal palm, our state tree. We need to stop mutilating the Sabal palm tree. This is a costly and unnecessary practice. Sabal palms in their natural state provide massive canopy and stormwater diffusion.

Mayor Henry, I’m grateful that your father was able to earn a good livelihood and raise such wonderful citizens by being a palm tree trimmer.

But our knowledge has evolved over the decades, as has the severity of heat and flooding. Our landscaping practices need to evolve accordingly.

We can’t point to one culprit of heat and flooding. It’s a worldwide result of the first world’s relentless consumerism. But what we can do, here, is prioritize tree canopy and lush vegetation. Every square inch counts! It’s a matter of life or death.

Our city and region can either be a healthy sponge, or a clogged bathtub. Drains can only accomplish so much. We also need pumps. Trees are great pumps because they pump water back up into the air and help restore a healthy rain cycle.

As part of becoming a sponge city, we need to prioritize expanding our knowledge base of arborculture and horticulture.

Landscaping is green infrastructure. It’s a lucrative career path, with many opportunities for local people to feed their families and lead a fulfilling life of service in partnership with nature.

We need people to be more than just grass-cutters, tree-cutters, and leaf-blowers. And we need to invest in their training accordingly.

Regarding homelessness. We won’t solve homelessness by being heartless. For example, preventing people from sleeping in public places. If a person can’t sleep in a public park or on the public beach, where can they sleep???

While we keep steadily working to solve homelessness, we at least need to let people sleep.

Public toilets are an issue as well. We need public restrooms all around town, open 24-7, with paid attendants. This helps all of us. After all, even rich people have to use the bathroom.

This is a city where we invest in human services, and it’s a city where we practice our spiritual faith. Let’s do this.

Can’t practice “earth care” without practicing “people care”!

This is a post I made just now to my Permaculture community. I’m sharing it here as well because it’s relevant to my DEEP GREEN community as well. And because it may be helpful to others who are experiencing similar.

#CareOfPeople #ZoneZeroZero #InnerLandscape

Dear Florida permies,

The other day, right after the hurricane, I said something awful to someone in our permaculture community.

I responded to a post they made on their personal page, and gave advice that was totally out of place, presumptuous, shaming, and rude, and not knowing anything about their circumstances. My advice was supposedly coming from care of the earth, but I showed zero care for this fellow human being.

The person was understandably angry and messaged me calling me out. Subsequently, my apology was horrible as well, and just added insult to injury. And my apology was understandably not accepted.

My inappropriate comment was part of a stubborn pattern that I’ve been working on in myself. Giving advice that’s supposedly about care of the earth (permaculture design ethic #1), but fails to show care for people’s circumstances or emotions (care of people and all other living beings, permaculture design ethic #2).

Not only do I feel regret for speaking out of turn at a person who’s a fellow permie and a truly beautiful soul, but just in general for treating a fellow human being unkindly.

I have reflected deeply and processed this incident so as to avoid causing this kind of harm again to anyone.

I am keeping this post general and anonymous on purpose. Just wanted to confirm that I am accountable to this community and will always strive to make amends and do better.

If I ever hurt any of you, in any way, I will do my best to take ownership and make amends.

With love for all of you, and for Mother Earth and all of Her creatures! I hope you are all hanging in there after the storm. Please post in this group any time if you need some help or support. Even if it’s simply a listening ear.

Constructive laziness: Leave the leaves!

You may have heard the phrase “Leave the leaves!” It’s become very popular in the past few years, as this awareness is spreading.

After a hurricane is a perfect time to start putting this into practice! If you have an oak tree or other tree in your yard, please just let the leaves stay!

If you’d like, you can rake them into a nice neat circle under the tree. And then for extra definition, you can add a border around the circle of leaves, using bricks or rocks if you have them, or else make a rustic circular border using the downed branches of the tree. It’s a beautiful way to keep valuable organic matter on site.

it’s really sad to walk around after a storm seeing bags and bags and bags of leaves lined up on the sidewalk as far as the eye can see. All those big plastic bags going into landfill, ugh!

And then on the other side of the sidewalk, some poor tree has the ground scraped bare under it. It’s better for the tree if we leave a circle around it, that has the leaves remaining and is free of mowing.

A tree’s own leaves are the best mulch for a tree! Totally cost-free, how cool is that!

Also, as we’ve been learning from the “leave the leaves” memes, leaf litter supports insects such as caterpillars that are an essential protein source for baby birds. And of course, the caterpillars that don’t get eaten grow up to be butterflies! Win win!

Also, when we don’t scrape the ground and mow it super tight, the ground has a much higher capacity for absorbing stormwater.

Be lazy! Slack off for Mother Earth! Leave the leaves!

DEEP GREEN resilience: Taming your household waste

Taming your #HouseholdWaste !!!
Video duration 6:33

mini workshop about minimizing household trash

I turned a typical USA American single person one or two days’ worth of trash into basically zero trash! (Thank you to the friend who allowed me to use their trash as an example of what’s possible.)

The practices I mentioned here are not only helpful for the planet, but also great for your household for numerous reasons. For a couple of examples, it keeps food out of the trash which reduces smells, reduces the weight, and reduces the bulk.

This becomes valuable in a whole other way in the wake of a hurricane or other disaster, when landfills can be closed and trash removal services can be suspended. It’s helpful emotionally, not just physically. Because if we don’t feel dependent on someone to come deal with our trash, we don’t feel so vulnerable and helpless.

This works for many other things as well. Please stay tuned for other installments in this series.

#PermacultureHomeEc #ZombieApocalypseWatchParty #DoomerBoomerDomesticScience #DEEPGREENresilience #RiotForAusterity #HouseholdWaste #DisasterPreparedness

Constructive laziness: Ease up on post-hurricane yard fuss

Excerpt from my upcoming book CONSTRUCTIVE LAZINESS: How to help Mother Earth and all Her creatures by slacking off and doing as little as possible:

“People who feel like they URGENTLY have to clean up hurricane debris from their yards, when the wind hasn’t even died down all the way; and furthermore, who side-eye their neighbors for not jumping to it fast enough … I think those people seriously need a new hobby.

“The whole compulsion to start ‘cleaning up’ right away, it’s so uptight and Puritan. A bit of wholesome laziness is surely in order!!”

Throwback Tuesday (a forgotten memory from 2006)

What the throwback memory is about:

This morning after a night of vivid dreams (like I hear a lot of you have been having vivid dreams as well), I woke up with a memory from 2006.

From March thru September 2006, I attended a six-month eco school in New Mexico. (I was living in Austin at the time, in a little travel trailer at a beautiful urban paradise of an RV park. I rented out my trailer to a friend while I was in Santa Fe.)

The application form for the school, one of the questions was an essay question asking applicants to project into the future, and what we envisioned our role would be regarding climate change, community and so on.

In my essay, I was running an emotional support center for people struggling to cope with climate change and biospheric collapse.

Services included: Emotional support, physical resources, permaculture education, practical training, mutual aid. And games, and crafts. And just being there for people.

And this morning when i woke up with that memory in my heart, I was like, oh yeah, that’s this house! That’s what this house is all about. Now, I’ve always known that’s what this house is all about. And furthermore that’s the main reason why I even came to Daytona Beach. From Austin, a place where I also was able to contribute to the permaculture/resilience knowledge base & community before being called here.

But, I had forgotten all about that old future projection essay from 2006, and it was sort of comforting and validating to remember it this morning around 5 when I got up.

I am here to serve! I wish I were a better version of me, but I will keep striving to be that. I get that we are all works in progress.

That said, I really really want us to get very serious and step up our game to do some simple things to help mitigate the stress we are putting on the planet.

I’m going to become more vocal in the wider community; I have struggled with my messaging and all that. Sometimes bad messaging can totally undermine an effort. But I just have to keep working on it.

I am sad sometimes and angry with myself, because I have not been communicating the urgency of things as effectively as I would have liked. And nowhere near as effectively as the level of crisis calls for.

Love you guys always! It is an honor to serve both locally and globally.

If you want to support my efforts to get the word out, please like and follow my Facebook page DEEP GREEN book by Jenny Nazak and blog

Note, not all of the posts are for a civilian audience, so if a post seems too extreme, just know that it’s probably not meant for you, and please just feel free to take what you need and leave the rest.

I am always trying different ways of expressing things so that I can reach more people. My goal is to help the planet — our spaceship & life-support system — but also to help people be more secure and less vulnerable (emotionally, spiritually, and economically).

— jenny nazak, eco educator and community activist, community servant, earth soldier